Summit Schedule

Last Revised 05/02/2024

friday May 3rd

6:00 pm


Meet and Greet

7:30 pm

SEssion One

Contextual Setting - Jovannah Poor Bear-Adams 

Creative Expression

Interactive Learning Segment - Priscilla Flores

Keynote Speaker - Marlene Ferreras, PhD

Group Reflection and Discussion

9:00 pm-9:30 pm

Meet and Greet

Saturday May 4th

9:30 am

Workshops Round One

  1. Creating and Fostering Cultures of Inclusion - Michael Nixon, JD

  2. The ABCs of Community Organizing - Geoffrey Nelson-Blake and Claval Hunter

  3. Digital Tools for Social Justice - Garrison Hayes

  4. Becoming an Advocate and Ally for LGBTQ People - Kendra Arsenault and Esther Loewen

  5. Creating Antiracist Coalitions - Todd Leonard

  6. Connecting with Local Community Resources for Economic Empowerment - JC Belliard, Ph.D.

  7. Environmental Care and Activism - Greg Hoenes

  8. Self-Care for the Social Justice Activist - Sandra Banjoko, Ph.D.

11:00 am

session two

Contextual Setting - Jovannah Poor Bear-Adams 

Creative Expression

Interactive Learning - Priscilla Flores

Keynote Speaker - Garrison Hayes

Group Reflection and Discussion

12:30 pm


2:00 pm

Workshops Round two

  1. Creating and Fostering Cultures of Inclusion - Michael Nixon, JD

  2. The ABCs of Community Organizing - Geoffrey Nelson-Blake and Claval Hunter

  3. Digital Tools for Social Justice - Garrison Hayes

  4. Becoming an Advocate and Ally for LGBTQ People - Kendra Arsenault and Esther Loewen

  5. Creating Antiracist Coalitions - Todd Leonard

  6. Connecting with Local Community Resources for Economic Empowerment - JC Belliard, Ph.D.

  7. Environmental Care and Activism - Greg Hoenes

  8. Self-Care for the Social Justice Activist - Sandra Banjoko, Ph.D.

3:30 pm


4:15 pm

special interest groups

Mobilizing and Networking for Practical Action and Needed Change

6:00 pm

session three

Contextual Setting - Jovannah Poor Bear-Adams  

Creative Expression

Interactive Learning - Priscilla Flores

Keynote Speaker - Eugene Canson

Group Reflection and Discussion

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Summit Concludes

Renewed Heart Ministries is a fiscal sponsor of JustLove Collective.